Духовная экзистенция и произведения культуры

Maslow A. The Farther Reaches of Human Nature. N.Y.:Viking Press 1975, p 280-299

46. Maslow A. Toward a psychology of Being. N.Y.: Van Nostland Reinhold Company 1968, pp. 240

47. Sartre J.-P., Being and Nothingness, trans. By Hazel E. Barnes (New York, 1956), pp. 560-564.

48. Tillich P. Existentialism and psychotherapy. Psychoanalysis and Existential Philosophy. New York: E.P.Dutton Co. 1962, pp. 3-16

Летуновский В.В. Духовная экзистенция и произведения культуры

10-09-2015, 21:42

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