Английский базовый курс для лингвистов, вопросы и билеты

примерный перечень экзаменационных вопросов
ПКВЯз. Англ. базовый курс для лингвистов

1. Translate into Russian: What’s is his name?

2. Translate into Russian: What’s this in English?

3. Translate into Russian: It’s a magazine.

4. Translate into Russian: Are you married?

5. Translate into Russian: Do John and Barbara work in a bank?

6. Translate into Russian: Michael doesn’t play football.

7. Translate into Russian: When do you have tea?

8. Translate into Russian: Pamela gets up at seven o’clock.

9. Translate into Russian: There are flowers on the table.

10. Translate into Russian: Can I have the bill?

11. Translate into Russian: Sylvia likes taking photographs.

12. Translate into Russian: Can I sit here?

13. Translate into Russian: Where was Jim at two o’clock?

14. Translate into Russian: Merry Christmas!

15. Translate into Russian: Did people wear jeans one hundred years ago?

16. Translate into Russian: The sun shone every day while I was on holiday.

17. Translate into Russian: Is there a chemist’s near here?

18. Translate into Russian: I like going to the beach and swimming in the sea.

19. Translate into Russian: In winter it is very cold and wet.

20. Translate into Russian: What size are you?

21. Translate into Russian: My garden is bigger than Fiona’s.

22. Translate into Russian: Can I pay cash?

23. Translate into Russian: How long are they going to stay in Paris?

24. Translate into Russian: Two cars were going along Cambridge Street.

25. Translate into Russian: You are speaking very quietly. I can’t hear you.

26. Translate into Russian: I booked our room in advance.

27. Translate into Russian: Chinese markets have a large variety of vegetables.

28. Translate into Russian: What will you do if you don’t find a job?

29. Translate into Russian: I have a high temperature and a headache.

30. Translate into Russian: Politicians have to make speeches.

31. Translate into Russian: Turn the television up. I want to listen to this song.

32. Translate into Russian:
After graduating from college, he immediately started working in the theatre.

33. Translate into Russian:
Judy’s parents wanted her to have a good education.

34. Translate into Russian:
Sarah is interested in the way people lived and worked in the past.

35. Translate into Russian: The Canadians were beaten three one by the Finns.

36. Translate into Russian:
Mary is looking for ways of dressing smartly without spending too much.

37. Translate into Russian: He has lived in London since 1974.

38. Translate into Russian: At the end of the year she might get a good payment.

39. Translate into Russian:
The post you have applied for involves a lot of travelling.

40. Translate into Russian:
His first steps to fame and fortune began when he was only nine.

41. Translate into Russian:
Maria would like to follow an individual course of study with a private teacher.

42. Translate into Russian:
This excellent school offers courses in most European languages for adults wishing to study outside office hours.

43. Translate into Russian:
At university great attention is paid to scientific subjects.

44. Translate into Russian:
We didn’t have to study Economics – it was an optional subject.

45. Translate into Russian:
I knew absolutely nothing about Mathс and I hated PE.

46. Translate into Russian:
I’m amazed that you can cope with all the work they give you.

47. Translate into Russian:
Society considers happiness to be as important as material success.

48. Translate into Russian:
I wanted to find out when we could meet and discuss the contract.

49. Translate into Russian:
Have you got any identification: a passport or a driving license?

50. Translate into Russian:
Policemen who leave the force often become private detectives.

51. Translate into Russian:
The political party which wins a majority of the seats will form the government on their own.

52. Translate into Russian:
The House of Commons plays the major role in law-making.

53. Translate into Russian:
If the accused is found guilty of murder, the sentence may be at least ten years in prison.

54. Translate into Russian: Capital punishment used to be a major deterrent.

55. Translate into Russian:
Inventions often come as by-products of other discoveries.

56. Translate into Russian:
Jo and Phil don’t see eye to eye with each other.

57. Translate into Russian: I get on very well with all my colleagues at work.

58. Translate into Russian:
I am looking for a caring, well-educated, non-smoking man.

59. Translate into Russian:
He was very frightened when he saw a big dog running towards him.

60. Translate into Russian:
I regret to have to inform you that my luggage was lost yesterday during the flight from London to New York.

61. Translate into Russian: Alice got married in her late twenties.

62. Translate into Russian: She offered to lend me some money.

63. Translate into Russian: I would like to ask you a favour.

64. Translate into Russian:
The best thing about her is that she is so sensitive and considerate.

65. Translate into Russian: He must come in time: otherwise they will not allow him to enter the room.

66. Translate into Russian: She was always late, I can’t explain why.

67. Translate into Russian: There was a lamp and three pens on the table and nothing more.

68. Translate into Russian: I am not sure I am able to be there at 2 o'clock.

69. Translate into Russian: This dress is too expensive for me.

70. Translate into Russian: My pen doesn't work. Can you give me yours?

71. Translate into English: Играть на пианино.

72. Translate into English: Разнообразные овощи.

73. Translate into English: В кухне стоит (есть) новая плита.

74. Translate into English: Какие овощи вы хотите?

75. Translate into English: Сколько в банке кофе?

76. Translate into English: Я был на вокзале в половине третьего.

77. Translate into English: Можно закрыть окно? Здесь холодно.

78. Translate into English: На столе не было фруктов.

79. Translate into English: Мой муж родился в Мексике.

80. Translate into English: Вчера я ел (пищу) и пил красное вино.

81. Translate into English: Мне не понравилась гостиница.

82. Translate into English: Зимой мы ходили на лыжах каждые выходные.

83. Translate into English: Простите, где находится автобусная остановка?

84. Translate into English:
Том всегда ездит в отпуск весной. Деревья снова зеленые, тепло и солнечно.

85. Translate into English:
Пройди мимо магазина и иди по второй улице справа.

86. Translate into English: Лондон больше Мадрида?

87. Translate into English: Раньше мы были счастливы вместе.

88. Translate into English: В комнате никого нет. Она пустая.

89. Translate into English: Кто-то хочет поговорить с тобой.

90. Translate into English: Мы обедали, когда пришел Ричард.

91. Translate into English: Светило солнце, и мы пошли на пляж.

92. Translate into English: Я еду в Голландию, чтобы увидеть тюльпаны.

93. Translate into English: Идет сильный снег.

94. Translate into English: Я ищу черный шерстяной джемпер.

95. Translate into English: Можно померить этот брючный костюм?

96. Translate into English:
Она высокая и стройная со светлыми волнистыми волосами.

97. Translate into English: Ты хорошо ладишь с другими студентами?

98. Translate into English: Я хочу быть ветеринаром, когда вырасту.

99. Translate into English: Мы должны защищать животных.

100. Translate into English: Полу не приходится работать в саду.

101. Translate into English:
Я заплатил двести двадцать долларов за этот пиджак.

102. Translate into English: Если ты ищешь шампунь, иди в аптеку.

103. Translate into English: У нас есть загородный дом около озера.

104. Translate into English: Мне хотелось бы устроить пикник.

105. Translate into English: Я собираю открытки с восьми лет.

106. Translate into English: На каких языках говорят в Швейцарии?

107. Translate into English:
И мои друзья и я считаем, что этот фильм стоит посмотреть.

108. Translate into English:
Это Маргарет Симпсон, которая училась со мной в школе.

109. Translate into English:
Алекс закончил школу и поступил в университет, чтобы изучать право.

110. Translate into English:
Атмосфера в моей начальной школе была весьма непринужденной.

111. Translate into English:
Она, определенно, опытный и квалифицированный преподаватель.

112. Translate into English:
Дон сказал мне, что он учится для получения степени магистра.

113. Translate into English:
Учитель объяснил, как можно употребить это слово.

114. Translate into English:
Сидней пользуется своим двуязычным словарем каждый день и всегда носит его в своей сумке.

115. Translate into English:
Мне не хотелось бы быть секретарем, потому что я не выношу бумажной работы.

116. Translate into English:
У Саймон хорошие перспективы продвижения по службе.

117. Translate into English:
Мистер Фостер обедает сегодня вечером с нашим немецким партнером.

118. Translate into English: Боюсь, его сейчас нет. Что ему передать?

119. Translate into English:
В этот раз я не забыл сохранить документ и сделать запасную копию на дискете.

120. Translate into English:
Если бы свидетель не сообщил о преступлении в полицию, преступника бы не поймали.

121. Translate into English: Как вы думаете, кто ответственен за налет?

122. Translate into English:
Я хотел бы заказать пятиминутный разговор с Берлином.

123. Translate into English:
Срок действия моей визы заканчивается в декабре. Мне нужно будет ее продлить.

124. Translate into English:
В своем докладе я собираюсь сосредоточить свое внимание на проблемах благотворительных организаций.

125. Translate into English:
Я нахожу, что знакомиться с новыми людьми очень увлекательно.

126. Translate into English:
Я не выношу людей, которые любят командовать.

127. Translate into English:
Тони не очень общительный. Он избегает вечеринок.

128. Translate into English: Он еще не закончил переводить статью.

129. Translate into English: Кофе с молоком мне не по вкусу.

130. Translate into English:
Моя учительница среднего возраста, и она собирает волосы в пучок.

131. Translate into English:
Я попытаюсь убедить Гарри присоединиться к нам.

132. Translate into English:
Самореализация – самая главная вещь в моей жизни.

133. Translate into English: Он очень рассердился, когда узнал об этом.

134. Translate into English: Послушай! Малыш плачет.

135. Translate into English: Как ты думаешь, почему он не пришел.

136. Give a synonym to the word: To study

137. Give a synonym to the word: To talk.

138. Give a synonym to the word: To arrive.

139. Give a synonym to the word: To tour.

140. Give a synonym to the word: To phone somebody / to telephone somebody.

141. Give a synonym to the word: Coca-cola.

142. Give a synonym to the word: To enjoy.

143. Give a synonym to the word: Exciting.

144. Give a synonym to the word: Skinny.

145. Give a synonym to the word: To have tea.

146. Give a synonym to the word: To amaze.

147. Give a synonym to the word: A love story.

148. Give a synonym to the word: Too close to the door.

149. Give a synonym to the word: Sad.

150. Give a synonym to the word: Quickly.

151. Give a synonym to the word: The train gets in.

152. Give a synonym to the word: Boarding card.

153. Give a synonym to the word: Foreign news

154. Give a synonym to the word: Damaging

155. Give a synonym to the word: Illness

156. Give a synonym to the word: Spare time

157. Give a synonym to the word: Amusing

158. Give a synonym to the word: Cinema

159. Give a synonym to the word: To favor

160. Give a synonym to the word: Fancy (прилагат.)

161. Give a synonym to the word: To lie on the beach

162. Give a synonym to the word: To resign

163. Give a synonym to the word: To require

164. Give a synonym to the word: Responsibility

165. Give a synonym to the word: To be in charge

166. Give a synonym to the word: To intend

167. Give a synonym to the word: Accurately

168. Give a synonym to the word: To leave school

169. Give a synonym to the word: To specialize

170. Give a synonym to the word: To hold the line

171. Give a synonym to the word: Monitor

172. Give a synonym to the word: Virus

173. Give a synonym to the word: To revolve

174. Give a synonym to the word: To accuse somebody of a crime

175. Give a synonym to the word: To do something illegal

176. Give a synonym to the word: To run a country

177. Give a synonym to the word: To make the government

178. Give a synonym to the word: An adolescent

179. Give a synonym to the word: To be expecting a baby

180. Give a synonym to the word: Significant

181. Give a synonym to the word: To seek

182. Give a synonym to the word: To enjoy oneself

183. Give a synonym to the word: Offspring

184. Give a synonym to the word: Indulgent

185. Give a synonym to the word: To tell off

186. Give a synonym to the word: Colleague

187. Give a synonym to the word: Humble

188. Give a synonym to the word: To appear

189. Give a synonym to the word: To break up with somebody

190. Give a synonym to the word: Delicious (about food)

191. Give a synonym to the word: Small

192. Give a synonym to the word: Expensive

193. Give a synonym to the word: To cry

194. Give a synonym to the word: By plane

195. Give a synonym to the word: By rail-way

196. Give a synonym to the word: By sea

197. Give a synonym to the word: A trip

198. Give a synonym to the word: A child between 13 and 19

199. Give a synonym to the word: A teacher at the University

200. Give a synonym to the word: A child at school

201. Give a synonym to the word: Fast (adj)

202. Give a synonym to the word: To expect

203. Give a synonym to the word: Rich

204. Give a synonym to the word: Important

205. Give a synonym to the word: Woman

206. Give a synonym to the word: Man

207. Give a synonym to the word: To call (smb)

208. Give a synonym to the word: To look for

209. Give a synonym to the word: A table at school

210. Give a synonym to the word: An interval (between lessons)

211. Give a synonym to the word: A mirror

212. Give a synonym to the word: To say (a word)

213. Give a synonym to the word: To be ill

214. Give a synonym to the word: Movies

215. Give an antonym to the word: To get up

216. Give an antonym to the word: Black

217. Give an antonym to the word: Young

218. Give an antonym to the word: To finish

219. Give an antonym to the word: To leave

220. Give an antonym to the word: Evening

221. Give an antonym to the word: Expensive

222. Give an antonym to the word: Easy

223. Give an antonym to the word: At work

224. Give an antonym to the word: Always

225. Give an antonym to the word: Wrong

226. Give an antonym to the word: Parents

227. Give an antonym to the word: Early

228. Give an antonym to the word: Hot

229. Give an antonym to the word: Safe.

230. Give an antonym to the word: Up.

231. Give an antonym to the word: To find.

232. Give an antonym to the word: Hot curry.

233. Give an antonym to the word: Fizzy mineral water.

234. Give an antonym to the word: Noisy.

235. Give an antonym to the word: To go out.

236. Give an antonym to the word: Left.

237. Give an antonym to the word: Interesting.

238. Give an antonym to the word: To buy.

239. Give an antonym to the word: Healthy.

240. Give an antonym to the word: To be born.

241. Give an antonym to the word: Fresh vegetables.

242. Give an antonym to the word: Rare steak.

243. Give an antonym to the word: Beautiful.

244. Give an antonym to the word: Tall.

245. Give an antonym to the word: Curly hair.

246. Give an antonym to the word: Fair hair.

247. Give an antonym to the word: Dark skin.

248. Give an antonym to the word: Fat.

249. Give an antonym to the word: To get on the train.

250. Give an antonym to the word: To catch the train.

251. Give an antonym to the word: Smoking compartment.

252. Give an antonym to the word: Single ticket.

253. Give an antonym to the word: To lend

254. Give an antonym to the word: To waste

255. Give an antonym to the word: At work

256. Give an antonym to the word: Weekdays

257. Give an antonym to the word: Heavy food

258. Give an antonym to the word: Careless

259. Give an antonym to the word: Slim

260. Give an antonym to the word: Washed

261. Give an antonym to the word: (An) advantage

262. Give an antonym to the word: A lie

263. Give an antonym to the word: To marry

264. Give an antonym to the word: Bored

265. Give an antonym to the word: Liable to duty

266. Give an antonym to the word: Rough sea

267. Give an antonym to the word: Public (прилагат.)

268. Give an antonym to the word: To start school

269. Give an antonym to the word: Mothertongue


29-04-2015, 05:04

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