Принципы и проблемы исследования философско-методологических оснований

Паскаль Б. Мысли.

[62] Relph E. An inquiry into the relations between phenomenology and Geography // The Canadian Geographer. 1970. - N 14. - P. 193 – 201; Relph E. Place and placelessness. - London: Pion, 1976.; Relph E. Rational landscapes and humanistic Geography. - London: Croom Helm, 1981.; Tuan Yi-Fu. Place: an experiential perspective // Geographical Review. - 1975. - N 65. - P. 151 – 165; Tuan Yi-Fu. Space and place. - London: Edward Arnold, 1977.; Tuan Yi-Fu. Space and place: humanistic perspectives - In: C. Board et al. (eds.). Progress in Geography 6. - London: Edward Arnold, 1974. - P. 211 - 252

[63] Gold J.R. An introduction to behavioural Geography. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1980.; Gould P.R. On mental maps // Michigan Inter-University Community of Mathematical Geographers. - 1966. - Discussion Paper 9. - Reprinted in: Downs R.M., Stea D. Image and environment. - London: Edward Arnold, 1973. - P. 182 – 220; Gould P.R., White R. Mental maps. - Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1974.

[64] Tuan Yi-Fu. Geography, phenomenology and the study of human nature // The Canadian Geographer. - 1971. - N 15. - P. 181 – 192; Tuan Yi-Fu. Humanistic Geography // Annals Association of American Geographers. - 1976. - N 66. - P. 266 – 276; Tuan Yi-Fu. Images and mental maps // Annals Association of American Geographers. - 1975. - N 65. - P. 205 – 213; Tuan Yi-Fu. Place: an experiential perspective // Geographical Review. - 1975. - N 65. - P. 151 – 165; Tuan Yi-Fu. Space and Place. - London: Edward Arnold, 1977.; Tuan Yi-Fu. Space and place: humanistic perspectives - In: C. Board et al. (eds.). Progress in Geography 6. - London: Edward Arnold, 1974. - P. 211 – 252.

[65] Relph E. Place and Placelessness. - London: Pion, 1976.

[66] Entrikin J.N. Contemporary humanism in Geography // Annals Association of American Geographers. - 1976. - N 66. - P. 615 – 632; Entrikin J.N. Philosophical issues in the scientific study of religions - In: D.T. Herbert, R.J. Johnston (eds.). Geography and the urban environment. Vol. 4. - Chichester: John Wiley, 1981. - P. 1 – 27.

[67] Ley D. Behavioural Geography and the philosophies of meaning - In: K.R. Cox, R.G. Golledge (eds.). Behavioural problems in Geography revisited. - London: Methuen, 1981. - P. 209 – 230; Ley D. Cultural / Humanistic Geography // Progress in Human Geography. 1981. Vol. 5, #2.

[68] Guelke L. An idealist alternative in Human Geography // Annals Association of American Geographers. - 1974. - N 14. - P. 193 – 202; Guelke L. Idealism - In: M.E. Harvey, B.P. Holly (eds.). Themes in Geographical thought. - London: Croom Helm, 1981. - P. 133 – 147; Guelke L. Problems of scientific explanation in Geography // The Canadian Geographer. - 1971. - N 15. - P. 38 – 53; Guelke L. The role of laws in human Geography // Progress in human Geography. - 1977. - N 1. - P. 376 - 386

[69] Johnston J.H., Farrell W.C. Phenomenology in Geography // Geographical Survey. 1979. Vol. 8. #2.

[70] Johnston J.H., Farrell W.C. Phenomenology in Geography // Geographical Survey. 1979. Vol. 8. #2.

[71] Relph E. Place and placelessness. - London: Pion, 1976.

[72] Гохман В.М., Лавров С.Б., Сдасюк Г.В. Современные тенденции развития экономической и социальной географии Запада - В сб. Современные проблемы географии. - Л.: ЛГУ, 1980. - С. 46 – 55; Гохман В.М., Лавров С.Б., Сдасюк Г.В. Социально-экономическая география Запада на переломе // Известия ВГО. - 1979. - N 2. - С.97 – 105; Лавров С.Б. Аспекты западной социальной географии: Экономическая и социальная география // Вопросы географии. - Сб. 115. - М.: Мысль, 1980. - С. 67 – 87; Лавров С.Б. Послесловие - В кн. Джонстон Р. Дж. География и географы. - М.: Прогресс, 1987. - С. 346 – 359; Лавров С.Б. Теоретизация экономической и социальной географии - В сб. Основные понятия модели и методы общегеографических исследований. - М.: ИГАН, 1984. - С. 32 – 39; Лавров С.Б., Преображенский В.С., Сдасюк Г.В. Современная “радикальная” география Запада: корни, история и позиции // Известия АН СССР. Серия географическая. - 1979. - N 2. - С. 135 – 145; Лавров С.Б., Сдасюк Г.В. Современная экономическая и социальная география. - М.: Знание, 1980. - 47 с.

[73] Николаенко Д.В. Динамика образов науки. Симферополь. – Книга размещена на сайте www.geography.net.ru

[74] Примечание 2001 года. Несмотря на свою эмоциональность, данный вывод полностью подтвердился после 1991 года. Постсоветское научно-географическое сообщество категорически не отреагировало на перемены после 1991 года. Основная реакция была связана с самосохранением. Географические факультеты вписали свою страницу в историю российской коррупции. Причины этого только в типе самого научного географического сообщества.

[75] Slater D. Geography and underdevelopment - 1 // Antipode. - 1973. - N 5 (3). - P. 21 – 33; Slater D. The poverty of modern Geographical enquiry // Pacific Viewpoint. - 1975. - N 16. - P. 159 - 176

[76] Anderson J. Ideology in Geography: an introduction // Antipode. - 1973. - N 5 (3). - P. 1 - 6

[77] Peet J.R. Inequality and poverty: a Marxist-Geographic Theory // Annals Association of American Geographers. - 1975. - N 65. - P. 564 – 571; Peet J.R. Poor, Hungry America // The Professional Geographer. - 1971. - P. 99 – 104; Peet J.R. Radical Geography. - London: Methuen, 1978.; Peet J.R. The development of Radical Geography in the United States // Progress in Human Geography. - 1977. - N 1. - P. 240 - 263

[78] Harvey D. A commentary on the comments // Antipode. - 1974. - N 4 (2). - P. 36 – 41; Harvey D. Class-monopoly rent, finance capital and the urban revolution // Regional Studies. - 1974. - N 8. - P. 239 – 255; Harvey D. Discussion with Brian Berry // Antipode. - 1974. - N 6 (2). - P. 145 – 148; Harvey D. Editorial introduction: the problem of theory construction in Geography // Journal of Regional Science. - 1967. - N 7. - P. 211 – 216; Harvey D. Revolutionary and counter-revolutionary theory in Geography and the problem of ghetto formation // Antipode. - 1972. - N 4 (2). - P. 1 – 13; Harvey D. Social justice and the city. - London: Edward Arnold, 1973.; Harvey D. The limits to capital. - Oxford: Blackwell, 1982.; Harvey D. The Marxist theory of the state // Antipode. - 1976. - N 8 (2). - P. 80 – 89; Harvey D. The political economy of urbanization in advanced capitalist societies: the case of the United States - In: G. Gappert, H.M. Rose (eds.). The social economy of cities. - Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 1975. - P. 119 – 163; Harvey D. What kind of Geography for what kind of public policy? // Transactions, Institute of British Geographers. - 1974. - N 63. - P. 18 - 24

[79] Johnston R.J. Political, electoral and spatial systems. - London: Oxford University Press, 1978.

[80] Bunge W. Ethics and logic in Geography - In: R.J. Chorley (ed.). Directions in Geography. - London: Methuen, 1973. - P. 317 – 331; Bunge W. Fitzgerald: Geography of a Revolution. - Cambridge, Mass: Schlenkman, 1971.; Bunge W. The Geography of human survival // Annals Association of American Geographers. - 1973. - N 63. - P. 275 – 295; Bunge W., Bordessa R. The Canadian alternative: survival, expeditions and urban change // Geographical Monographs, Atkinson College, York University. - Downsview, Ontario, 1975.

[81] Bunge W. Fitzgerald: Geography of a Revolution. - Cambridge, Mass: Schlenkman, 1971.

[82] Bunge W. Fitzgerald: Geography of a Revolution. - Cambridge, Mass: Schlenkman, 1971.

[83] Bunge W. Fitzgerald: Geography of a Revolution. - Cambridge, Mass: Schlenkman, 1971.

[84] Bunge W. Ethics and logic in Geography - In: R.J. Chorley (ed.). Directions in Geography. - London: Methuen, 1973. - P. 317 - 331

[85] Peet J.R. Inequality and poverty: a Marxist-Geographic Theory // Annals Association of American Geographers. - 1975. - N 65. - P. 564 – 571; Peet J.R. Poor, Hungry America // The Professional Geographer. - 1971. - P. 99 – 104; Peet J.R. Radical Geography. - London: Methuen, 1978.; Peet J.R. The development of radical Geography in the United States // Progress in Human Geography. - 1977. - N 1. - P. 240 – 263.

[86] Peet J.R. Inequality and Poverty: a Marxist-Geographic Theory // Annals Association of American Geographers. - 1975. - N 65. - P. 564 – 571

[87] Santos M. Geography, Marxism and Underdevelopment // Antipode. - 1974. - N 6 (3). - P. 1 – 9.

[88] Slater D. The poverty of modern Geographical enquiry // Pacific Viewpoint. - 1975. - N 16. - P. 159 – 176.

[89] Восстановить сноски на публикации удалось в очень незначительной степени. Основные работы представителей Лундской школы можно посмотреть в общем списке литературы, прилагаемом к данному тексту.

[90] Петров Н.В. Пространственно-временной анализ в социальной географии: основные достижения и направления исследований шведской школы. Препринт. - М.: ИГАН, 1986. - 56 с.

[91] Hagerstrand T. Innovation diffusion as a spatial process. - Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1968.

[92] Pred A. Behaviour and location: foundations for a geographic and dynamic location theory. Part I. - Lund: C.W.K. Gleerup, 1967.; Pred A. Behaviour and location: foundations for a geographic and dynamic location theory. Part II. - Lund: C.W.K. Gleerup, 1969.; Pred A. Industrialization, initial advantage, and American metropolitan growth // Geographical Review. - 1965. - N 55. - P. 158 – 185; Pred A. The choreography of existence: comments on Hagerstrand’s time-geography and its usefulness // Economic Geography. - 1972. - N 53. - P. 207 - 221

[93] Николаенко Д.В. Принцип сочувствия в научно-географическом познании: Деп. Укр НИИ НТИ. 2319 - 88. - Киев, 1988. - 10 с.

[94] Bunge W. Theoretical Geography // Lund Studies in Geography , Series C 1. - Lund : C.W.K. Gleerup, 1962.

[95] Pred A. Industrialization, initial advantage, and American metropolitan growth // Geographical Review. - 1965. - N 55. - P. 158 – 185; Pred A. Behaviour and location: foundations for a geographic and dynamic location theory. Part I. - Lund: C.W.K. Gleerup, 1967; Pred A. Behaviour and location: foundations for a geographic and dynamic location theory. Part II. - Lund: C.W.K. Gleerup, 1969; Pred A. The choreography of existence: comments on Hagerstrand’s time-Geography and its usefulness // Economic Geography. - 1972. - N 53. - P. 207 – 221.

[96] Carlstein T. Time, resources, society and ecology. - Lund: Department of Geography, University of Lund, 1980.; Carlstein T., Parkes D.N., Thrift N.J. (eds.). Timing space and spacing time (three volumes). - London: Edward Arnold, 1980.

[97] Петров Н.В. Пространственно-временной анализ в социальной географии: основные достижения и направления исследований шведской школы. Препринт. - М.: ИГАН, 1986. - 56 с.

[98] Большую часть ссылок по данному разделу восстановить не удалось. Сохраняем только русские транскрипции фамилий упоминаемых авторов.

[99] Бунге В. Теоретическая география. - М.: Прогресс, 1967. - с.8

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