Місце віртуальної СКТ-цистоскопії в діагностичному алгоритмі раку сечового міхура

алгоритм ії оптимального використання в діагностичному алгоритмі. Найбільш ефективним є застосування методу на етапі виявлення у пацієнтів з клінічними проявами захворювання.

Ключеві слова: віртуальна СКТ-цистоскопія, рак сечового міхура, пухлина сечового міхура, оптична цистоскопія.


A. Tkachov. The place of virtual helical CT cystoscopy in the diagnostic algorithm for bladder cancer.

The thesis on competitionfor a scientific degree of a candidate of Medical Sciences in speciality 14.01.23 – radiation diagnostics and radiation therapy. The State Institute of Cancer, Kiev, 2008.

The thesis deals with the matter of increasing the efficacy of bladder cancer detection with the help of virtual helical CT cystoscopy within the diagnostic algorithm.

The results are based on the data of examination of 106 patients with different lesions of urinary bladder with bladder cancer prevailing - 65 (61.9%). The total number of tumors was 100. The CT cystoscopy was performed with the help of SeleCT SP (Marconi) single slicespiral computer tomograph with the slice thickness of 3.3 mm, increment 1.5-1.9 (the advantage was given to higher scores); pitch 1.5; 120 kV and 84 mAs. In application of contrast agents for the cavity were used three methods: retrograde intake of the room air (88 patients) or 10% Diatrizoate Meglumine and Diatrizoate Sodium Solution(14 patients), and intravenous injection of 76% Diatrizoate Meglumine and Diatrizoate Sodium Solution(4 patients). Interactive intraluminal navigation was performed with the help of Voyager commercial program. Optical cystoscopy was used in 95 patients.

On the basis of the findings selection of an optimal contrast agent algorithm was developed.

Virtual images of normal and abnormal interior surface of the bladder were described. Properties of bladder tumors depending on the type of surface and T-stage were presented.

The level of sensitivity, accuracy, specificity of this method was 92,4±2,52%, 90,7±2,76% and 85,3±3,37% correspondingly. The false-positive results occurred in 8 cases (tumors were located in the neck of the bladder or in Lieutaud’s triangle less than 5mm high).

Comparison of optical and virtual helical CT cystoscopy allowed to identify advantages and disadvantages of the latter and to develop the algorithm of its optimal utilization in the diagnostic algorithm.

More effective is the use of virtual helical CT-cystoscopy on the stage of detection in patients with clinical bladder cancer symptoms.

Key words: virtual helical CT-cystoscopy, bladder cancer, bladder tumor, optical cystoscopy.


· ВСШ – верхні сечові шляхи

· ВЦ – віртуальна цистоскопія

· СКТ – спіральна комп’ютерна томографія

· ТУР – трансуретральна резекція

· УЗД – ультразвукова діагностика

8-09-2015, 19:28

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