Механізми розвитку тубуло-інтерстиційного синдрому при хронічному нефриті Мазугі

an increase of the transport of sodium ions in this portion of the renal tubules. Under the conditions of forming the tubulo-interstitial syndrome the development of secondary destruction of the connective tissue has been biochemically substantiated and that has been corroborated by an increase of free urinary oxyproline, mosaicism of changes of tissue protheolisis, fibrinolysis, lipid peroxidation, antioxidant protection and oxidative protein modification. Chronic Masugi glomerulonephritis is accompanied with an elevation of the blood plasma consentration of the alpha-tumour necrosis factor and with atrophy of the nephron tubules that is accounted for by an activation of the processes of apoptosis with the participation of the factor gnestion. A protective influence of urocinase and the GA-40 preparation on the development of the tubulo-interstitial syndrome in the presence of chronic Masugi has been established.

Key words: tubulo-interstitial syndrome, chronic Masugi nephritis, GA-40 preparation, urocinase.

Надруковано у ВІЦ "Місто".

58022 м. Чернівці, вул. Головна, 173 а

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