Сборник экзаменационных билетов по английскому языку

улица Харди — врачами, а Черинг Кросс Роуд — книжными магазинами. Район Сохо — известен итальянскими, французскими и шведскими ресторанами.

  • Put in a/an or the: We went to … theatre last night, but … performance wasn't very good.

  • Use correct prepositions: In fact, the Declaration … Independence was a letter … the Continental Congress … the king … Great Britain.

  • Put the following into the Passive Voice: Who has written this story?

  • Put the verbs into the correct tense:
    – Why you (be) so long in the garage?
    – The tyres were flat, I (pump) them up.

  • Use Reported Speech in the following sentence: He asked her, “Did anybody call this morning?”

  • Open the brackets using the necessary form of the Conditional sentence: If she hadn’t put the plates on the edge of the table, they (not to get) broken.

  • Fill in the missing modal verb: James … have taken the medicine. I am sure the pain would have passed without it.

    Зав. кафедрой


    Экзаменационный билет по предмету


    Билет № 34

      1. Give the answer to the question in3-5 sentences: Describe Madame Tussaud's Museum of Waxworks.

      2. Translate from English into Russian: Education in Britain is free, and most children go to state schools. However, some parents pay to send their children to independent schools. In England and Wales some of the most traditional independent schools are called public schools.

      3. Translate from Russian into English: Университет предлагает программу для студентов, аспирантов и профессиональные программы. Если молодой человек заканчивает студенческий курс, он получает степень бакалавра гуманитарных или естественных наук.

      4. Put in a/an or the: I usually have … cup of coffee with biscuits for … breakfast.

      5. Use correct prepositions: Ask the woman … front … you to take … her hat.

      6. Put the following into the Passive Voice: This factory will produce large quantities of goods this year.

      7. Put the verb into the correct tense: It (to rain) since early morning.

      8. Use Reported Speech in the following sentence: She asked him, “How could you afford to buy such an expensive ring?”

      9. Open the brackets and rewrite the following sentence 3 times (write the Conditional sentences of I, II, III types): If you (be) busy, I (not to come) to see you.

      10. Fill in the missing modal verb: The lecture … to begin at 7 o’clock.

    Зав. кафедрой


    Экзаменационный билет по предмету


    Билет № 35

      1. Give the answer to the question in 3-5 sentences: Ask your friend 5 questions about his/her pastime. Use different types of questions.

      2. Translate from English into Russian: The two main types of schools in the United States are: free, or public schools, and fee-paying, or private schools. Most private schools are run by religious groups. A secondary school may be comprehensive, general, vocational or specialised and offer different programmes of academic, practical and professional programmes.

      3. Translate from Russian into English: Для поступления в университет или колледж в Америке необходимо закончить среднюю школу. В США сущетсвует несколько типов вузов, колледж, профессиональных колледж и др.

      4. Put in a/an or the: How can you say such … things?

      5. Use correct prepositions: There was a shot and a policeman came … … the blood running … his face.

      6. Put the following into the Passive Voice: They make these artificial flowers of silk.

      7. Put the verb into the correct tense: The radio (play) since 7 a.m. I wish someone would turn it off.

      8. Use Reported Speech in the following sentence: Mother asked us, “When are you going to have dinner?”

      9. Open the brackets and rewrite the following sentence 3 times (write the Conditional sentences of I, II, III types): If I (see) him, I (be) happy.

      10. Fill in the missing modal verb: In scientific work we … measure in units of the metric system.

    Зав. кафедрой



    примерный перечень экзаменационных вопросов

      1. Translate from English into Russian: A disease may last a brief time or a long time. It may be mild or severe. Some diseases such as a common cold may go away after a few days without any treatment. Other diseases require medical treatment to cure them. Other diseases may require a lifetime of medical supervision to manage them.

      2. Translate from English into Russian: How do people know they are ill? Often they have symptoms such as pain, nausea, sore throat, lack of appetite, fatique or fever. However, a disease may be present without a person knowing it.

      3. Translate from English into Russian: This common childhood illness has its highest incidence in the spring One has fever, malaise, headache, and sore throat. These symptoms will give way to a rash (pink, circular spots) that starts on the face and spreads to the trunk, arms, and legs. Duration of the rash is typically 1 -3 days.

      4. Translate from English into Russian: Common symptoms in adults include fever, chills, runny nose, sore throat, swollen glands, frontal headache, muscle and body aches. joint pains, dry cough, chest pains with coughing, and weakness.

      5. Translate from English into Russian: A very popular outdoor game, played on a court with rackets in which the ball must pass back and forth over a net is lawn tennis. A game played by two or teams of two players on a rectangular table using wood paddles and a small plastic ball is table tennis.

      6. Translate from English into Russian: The Americans pay much attention to physical fitness. Many sports and sporting activities are popular in the USA. But the five major American sports are hockey, volleyball, baseball, football and basketball. Basketball and volleyball have been invented in America.

      7. Translate from English into Russian: Most secondary schools are comprehensive schools , which offer a general education to children of all abilities. In some areas children are selected for either grammar school (which is more academic) or secondary modern school.

      8. Translate from English into Russian: The national curriculum is the group of subjects that must be taught in schools in England and Wales. In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, pupils take GCSEs at the age of 16. At 18, they can take A levels, usually in two or three subjects, or AS exams (which involve half the content of A levels) in more subjects.

      9. Translate from English into Russian: Since the end of World War II no tuition fees have been payable in state schools. Parents in the United Kingdom may either choose from a range of free educational facilities or send their child to a private school.

      10. Translate from English into Russian: Universities accept students on the basis of their “A” level results. At the Open University these formal qualifications are not necessary: its course is a degree course. Students of the Open University are adult part-time students.

      11. Translate from English into Russian: The two main types of schools in the United States are: free, or public schools, and fee-paying, or private schools. Most private schools are run by religious groups. A secondary school may be comprehensive, general, vocational or specialised and offer different programmes of academic, practical and professional programmes.

      12. Translate from English into Russian: The major stages of education in the USA are: elementary school and high school. High school includes the first stage (junior high school) and the second stage (senior high school). Tests for high school students who wish to attend a college or a university are given by non-profit, non-governmental organizations.

      13. Translate from English into Russian: In the USA the daily newspapers arc of two kinds: quality and popular. A quality paper is a serious newspaper, which publishes articles and commentaries on politics. A popular paper contains many photographs. its articles are often sensational and mostfy deal with private life of famous people.

      14. Translate from English into Russian: There are many kinds of shops in every town or city, but most of them have a food supermarket, a department store, men's and women's ceothing stores, a grocery, a bakery and a butchery. I like to do my shopping at big department stores and supermarket. They sell various goods under one roof and this is very convenient.

      15. Translate from English into Russian: In a food supermarket we can also buy many different things at once: sausages, fish, sugar, macaroni, cereals, and tea. At the butcher's there is wide choice of meal and poultry. At the bakery you buy brown and white bread rolls, biscuits. Another shop we frequently go to is the greengrocery which is stocked with cabbage, potatoes, onions, cucumbers, carrots, beetroots, green peas and what not.

      16. Translate from English into Russian: The furniture isn't very comfortable. The clothes aren't very modern. The appliances aren't very dependable and the record-players and tape-recorders aren't very good. Besides that, the location isn't very convenient, and the salespeople aren't very helpful. That's why people don't often shop at this Department Store, even though it's the cheapest in town.

      17. Translate from English into Russian: They sell the most comfortable furniture, the most modern clothes, the most dependable appliances. And besides that their location is the most convenient, and their salespeople are the most helpful in town. However, even though this Department Store is the best store in town, people don't often shop there because it's the most expensive.

      18. Put in a/an or the: … Captain ordered … crew to unload … vessel.

      19. Put in a/an or the: … silver is not so heavy as … gold.

      20. Put in a/an or the: … Caucasus separate … Black Sea from … Caspian Sea.

      21. Put in a/an or the: … honesty is … best policy.

      22. Put in a/an or the: In … spring, … summer and autumn Hans was very happy, but when … winter came, he suffered … good deal from … cold and … hunger, and often had to go to … bed without … supper.

      23. Put in a/an or the: How can you say such … things?

      24. Put in a/an or the: … clock in … hall is slow.

      25. Put in a/an or the: Their flat is on … second floor of … multistorey building.

      26. Put in a/an or the: Jack is in … bathroom. He's taking … shower.

      27. Put in a/an or the: Have … good vacation and don't forget to send me … postcard!

      28. Put in a/an or the: What is … name of … writer of … book we read last month?

      29. Put in a/an or the: We went to … theatre last night, but … performance wasn't very good.

      30. Put in a/an or the: … May Day which is not … bank holiday, is … celebration of … coming of … spring.

      31. Put in a/an or the: I usually have … cup of coffee with biscuits for … breakfast.

      32. Put in a/an or the: Last night we saw … play at … National Theatre.

      33. Put in a/an or the: Jane studied … chemistry at … Mc Gill University.

      34. Put in a/an or the: If you sail from … Taiwan to … Philippines, you cross … South China Sea.

      35. Put in a/an or the: Pete comes from … small town in … west of … Wales.

      36. Use correct prepositions: Since my father died … a heart attack my two elder sisters and my mother have been taking care … me.

      37. Use correct prepositions: One hot summer morning we decided to take a trip … our car … the city … the ocean. We got … the car and drove … the highway.

      38. Put correct prepositions: There was dust … the top of the desk which stood … the middle … the room.

      39. Use correct prepositions: I hope he will come back … Moscow … five days.

      40. Use a correct preposition: His watch is made … gold.

      41. Use correct prepositions: Yesterday I took several books … history … our library.

      42. Use correct prepositions: I sat … the porch and watched the traffic … the street.

      43. Use correct prepositions: I was awakened … a loud noise … the street and looking … the window I saw a man beating a dog … a stick.

      44. Use correct prepositions: They travelled overnight … London and arrived … 5 o'clock … the morning.

      45. Use correct prepositions: Jane's grandfather died … 1977 … the age of 79.

      46. Use correct prepositions: … Sunday afternoons they usually go … a walk … the country.

      47. Use correct prepositions: I meet my grandparents only … Christmas and sometimes … the summer … a few days.

      48. Use correct prepositions: Ann’s ill. She wasn’t … work today. She was … home … bed.

      49. Use correct prepositions: He took his shoes … and entered … tiptoe.

      50. Use correct prepositions: Ask the woman … front … you to take … her hat.

      51. Use correct prepositions: He pointed … a woman … a green dress.

      52. Use correct prepositions: Why are you … such a hurry? You’ll finish the task tomorrow … all means.

      53. Use correct prepositions: The population … the USA is made … … different nationalities.

      54. Use correct prepositions: … New Year’s Day people see old year … and the New Year … .

      55. Translate from Russian into English: Американцы уделяют большое внимание поддержанию хорошей физической формы. Они занимаются многими видами спорта, в том числе самыми популярными в Америке - хоккеем, бейсболом, волейболом, футболом и баскетболом.

      56. Translate from Russian into English: Однажды Джером К.Джером отправился в Британский музей, чтобы получить сведения о лечении одной незначительной болезни. Но вместо того, чтобы уйти, когда он прочел то, что ему было нужно, он начал просматривать список симптомов других болезней.

      57. Translate from Russian into English: Вскоре он обнаружил, что страдает многими болезнями. Ему казалось, что он никогда не поправится. Он был очень расстроен и пошел посоветоваться со своим врачом.
        Врач этот всегда подбадривал своего пациента, когда тому казалось, что он болен.

      58. Translate from Russian into English : Доктор выслушал все жалобы больного, осмотрел его и выписал рецепт. Пациент сразу же отправился в аптеку. Пациент последовал совету своего врача. Жизнь его была спасена, и здоровье улучшилось.

      59. Translate from Russian into English: Кембриджский университет — это 22 автономных колледжа, к играют в его структуре гораздо большую роль, чем существующее деление на факультеты. Колледжи, которые делятся на более и менее престижные, осуществляют набор студентов.

      60. Translate from Russian into English : Оксфорд и Кембридж имеют систему личных наставников, своего рода научных руководителей, которые прикреплены к каждому студенту. Система наставников осуществляется колледжами, наставниками являются профессора и доценты факультетских кафедр.

      61. Translate from Russian into English: Молодые люди, окончившие школу, могут продолжить образование в университете, колледже, техническом или профессиональном училище. Колледжи университета специализируются в различных областях гуманитарных, общественных и естественных науках, образовании или бизнесе.

      62. Translate from Russian into English: Какой сырой, ветреный и мрачный день! Время от времени начинает моросить. В такую погоду совсем не хочется выходить на улицу. Началась оттепель. Снег тает. На улицах лужи. На небе ни облачка. В воздухе чувствуется весна.

      63. Translate from Russian into English: Какая неустойчивая погода! Дождь то шел, то прекращался в течение недели. Со стороны моря идет густой туман. Вчера мы попали под ливень, промокли насквозь и вынуждены были вернуться домой.

      64. Translate from Russian into English : Зима в нашем городе наступает рано. Иногда уже в конце ноября все покрывается снегом. Замерзают реки и озера. Часто дуют холодные сильные ветры. Иногда бывает пурга.

      65. Translate from Russian into English: Улицы Уэст Энда в Лондоне все славятся чем-либо: Пикадилли — клубами, улица Харди — врачами, а Черинг Кросс Роуд — книжными магазинами. Район Сохо известен итальянскими, французскими и шведскими ресторанами.

      66. Translate from Russian into English: Зима в нашем городе наступает рано. Часто дуют холодные сильные ветры. Иногда бывает пурга. Дни становятся все короче и короче, а ночи длиннее. Временами выходит солнце, но оно совсем не греет

      67. Translate from Russian into English: Англичане, шотландцы, валлийцы и ирландцы составляют британскую нацию. В некоторых частях Шотландии и Ирландии сохранился гальский язык.

      68. Translate from Russian into English: Университет обычно состоит из колледжей гуманитарных или естественных наук, профессионального отделения и аспирантуры. После 4 лет в университете студент получает степень бакалавра гуманитарных или естественных наук.

      69. Translate from Russian into English: Профессиональный колледж – это учебное заведение, существующее отдельно от университета. Колледжи и университеты предлагают программы, после прохождения которых присваивается степень бакалавра.

      70. Translate from Russian into English: Средняя школа может быть общеобразовательной, профессиональной или специальной. Различные типы средней школы предлагают различные программы академической, практической и профессиональной направленности.

      71. Translate from Russian into English: Многие работы мадам Тюссо, созданные с живых оригиналов ее современников, сохранились до сих пор. Залы музея заполнены историческими политическими личностями, королевскими особам и, начиная со времен Генриха VIII и до современных министров Великобритании, другими выдающимися личностями.

      72. Put the following into the Passive Voice: They feed the animals at the zoo twice a day.

      73. Put the following into the Passive Voice: Lightning struck the old oak.

      74. Put the following into the Passive Voice: The police asked each of us about his crime.

      75. Put the following into the Passive Voice: Somebody stole my bag in the shop.

      76. Put the following into the Passive Voice: Tom told me that somebody had attacked and robbed him in the street.

      77. Put the following into the Passive Voice: Nobody told me that George was ill.

      78. Put the following into the Passive Voice: The secretary arranged everything in good time.

      79. Put the following into the Passive Voice: She will arrange the problem in the nearest future.

      80. Put the following into the Passive Voice: When they came to the factory, the workers were still installing the new equipment.

      81. Put the following into the Passive Voice: Our plant produces equipment for chemical laboratories.

      82. Put the following into the Passive Voice: This factory will produce large quantities of goods this year.

      83. Put the following into the Passive Voice: Russian scientists are making wonderful discoveries.

      84. Put the following into the Passive Voice: The workers are unloading the steamer.

      85. Put the following into the Passive Voice: This factory had fulfilled the yearly plan by the 10th of December.

      86. Put the following into the Passive Voice: The teacher will correct the students’ compositions.

      87. Put the following into the Passive Voice: The chief has just signed the letter.

      88. Put the following into the Passive Voice: The manufacturers can deliver the machine at the end of the month.

      89. Put the verbs into the correct tense: They are busy now. They (to discuss) an important question. They (to discuss) it since five o’clock.

      90. Put the verb into the correct tense: What are you (to do) here?

      91. Put the verbs into the correct tense: What you (wait) for? I (wait) for the shop to open.

      92. Put the verbs into the correct tense: The burglar (open) the safe when he (hear) footsteps. He immediately (put) out his flashlight and (crawl) under the bed.

      93. Put the verbs into the correct tense:
        - How long you (be) out of work?
        – I am not out of work now. I just (start) a new job.
        – How you (find) the job?
        – I (answer) an advertisement in the paper.

      94. Put the verb into the correct tense: The radio (play) since 7 a.m. I wish someone would turn it off.

      95. Put the verbs into the correct

        29-04-2015, 05:02

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